Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Not Feeling so Hot on a Tuesday

A great scene from a great movie, apropos of nothing:

A nerdy Flash game which involves breasts.

Some music industry people apparently are finally waking up to the new paradigm, rather than sticking their heads in the sand like the labels are doing.

More on the much ballyhooed alleged gPhone. And Google is teaming up with IBM.

Long article on a NY plastic surgeon. I didn't get all the way through it.

Article on tattoos in America. Take that, person I was arguing with about this last night. You were kind of right, actually, you just forgot to specify the age bracket.

Possibly the stupidest web site I have EVER seen, courtesy of TechCrunch.

WSJ article on the alleged Bubble 2.0. I tend to agree that things are getting silly again but I don't think it is a bubble yet because 1) the public is not heavily involved via the stock market, 2) history indicates that new technologies will initially cause a bubble which will burst and allow the survivors to build themselves up. See railroads in the 1800s for an example.

And finally, a Silicon Valley version of that Craiglist gold-digger post that's been going around.

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