Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Apple blows me out of the water

I've been saying how I don't see a big, bright future for Apple (AAPL) for quite a while now. Their earnings last night pretty much blew my theories out of the water. Honestly, I am very surprised. A few years ago no one had iPods and everyone wanted them. Today, everyone has one that wants one, or so I thought.

I thought that the iPhone would not sell as many units as projected and would be a disappointment, I guess I was wrong on that count as well - though the huge price cut very likely was what screwed me over on this call.

I stand by my position that AAPL is going to go down at some point, but just maybe Steve Jobs can keep pulling nifty little design tricks out of his bag and keep the customers fooled and the stock price high. Once Steve goes, forget it, Apple is as good as bankrupt.

But I have to hand it to (Real) Steve Jobs... Well played.

Update - Some articles from Valleywag on the Apple quarter:
And unrelated, Wozniak on homeless cats... Poor kitties!

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