Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back from a Long Weekend

Just got back from a long weekend away, which was extended by me being miserably ill yesterday, and to a less degree today.

I haven't had time to watch these yet with trying to catch up on everything I have missed over the last couple of days at work but this seems interesting. Some guy explains how Facebook, Mahalo and TechMeme are going to crush Google. Could this be the Google-killer I've been speculating about? I doubt it because Facebook is a fad, Mahalo is a dumb idea and I don't even know what TechMeme is, but it seems like a feed aggregator.

UPDATE: Robert Scoble, the guy who recorded that video, is a former evangelist for Microsoft and apparently not very technically savvy. And I was correct in my assessment of TechMeme as a news aggregator. Not having watched the 30 minutes of video I have no idea what part that plays in the equation. I wish people would write stuff instead of recording videos. It's a lot easier to read than to have to sit through a 30 minute video.

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