Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday Morning Round-Up

100 Ice Breakers to avoid (from Radar)
Top Ten Worst 80s Cartoon Adaptations (from Cracked)
Stills from the Simpsons and the movies they are from

Apparently Friendster is still big in China... I didn't even know it was still around. MySpace and Facebook should really be paying royalties to Friendster or whoever did that first.

This is possibly the stupidest idea I have ever heard of. I thought the credit crunch was supposed to hamper the private equity companies to the point where they don't have millions to throw at stupid ideas:

This, on the other hand, seems like a good idea, if Google hadn't bought it. And I also heard that the "phone number for life" was really only a "phone number until they decide to change it on you or the company goes out of business or gets sold." But it's a good idea.

And I've seen this before, and maybe even posted it here, but it is still very funny:

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