Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Long Weekend Roundup

Learn how to breakdance

Seth Godin on how hard people really work, this just after the new report that the average American works 1,800 hours a year, which isn't really all that much, but it's a lot more than any other country. That actually works out to less than 40 hours a week, but if it includes unemployed people then it makes sense.

Mark Cuban finally says something I mostly agree with. Actually I agree with a lot of what he says, but not all of it. And some of it I vociferously disagree with.

The Sun, the big tabloid in the UK, just cut its cover price to try to keep its circulation up. Is the celebrity-worshipping-culture bubble about to pop? England has always been the mainstay of the celebrity-worship culture, the one place where the tabloids will always sell and the place where they are completely outrageous and sensational. Is this finally coming to an end? Will I still have to watch E News and VH1 reality shows with my wife or will a merciful end finally come?

I'm not a big fan of video games but to someone who is this might mean something.

This is kind of dark, but funny, from the Onion:

Missing Girl Probably Raped

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