Friday, September 28, 2007

Startup Flash Game

Try to see how difficult it is to run a start-up in this awesome little Flash game. My one gripe - why does a Flash designer cost more than an Ajax coder? And why do PR people make so much more than both of them? In my experience that is not the case.

And here is someone who wants to do a reality show type thing to determine who gets funding and who doesn't. The "wisdom of crowds" is a well established fact but we also have notable exceptions, like George Bush and most of the American Idol winners.

Some other random stuff:
Top Ten Joe Pesci Beatings (from Cracked)
This is what it's like to be Britney Spears - no wonder she is so crazy. Poor girl.

I don't eat meat and this is pretty much why...

And for my own personal reference, how to get a book published.

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