Friday, November 02, 2007

Google Ego Alerts

It has been 30 minutes since I posted my name in a blog. I received one Google ego alert from some other stuff, but nothing for the blog post yet.

Update - It has now been 1 hour and still nothing. Maybe I should post it again. I think I will. Done.

Update - 1.5 hours and still nothing.

Update - 2 hours and still no alert. I thought this was supposed to be instantaneous.

I'm going home soon. It's been a long week for those of us who actually have to work to pay the bills. I'm not going to check my email obsessively from home to see when this Alert arrives so I will update when I get it with whatever the timestamp is on it.

And before any of us who don't have to work to pay the bills get pissy and leave me nasty comments - yes, I envy you. I could have been you if I had made a few slightly better decisions than I did. And that makes it even worse, because I was so close and I blew it. It's a lot harder than not ever having been near it.

So I will go on and try again tomorrow, for tomorrow... is another day. [Cue cheesy music, fade to credits]

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