Friday, February 01, 2008

Microsoft and Yahoo

Denise Richard voted worst bond girl ever. Ha!

And of course the huge news of the day, Microsoft finally makes a bid for Yahoo. Honestly I am surprised it took so long. Yahoo's overseas assets are worth a whole lot more than it's market cap. Rumors about someone buying it have been going around for a long time. It's really a no brainer. Once they got rid of Semel the coast is clear for potential buyers. Here is TechCrunch's take on it, and what they think Microsofthoo would look like. Ballmer's letter to Yahoo's board, from Valleywag. Is Microsoft's offer too low, from Valleywag? And some analysis and commentary from Valleywag.

And, Super Obama girl. I'm not a big fan of Obama's, but whatever:

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