Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Winer vs. Calacanis (and Google)

All I've been hearing about this week is the fued between Jason Calacanis (of Weblogs Inc) and Dave Winer (of RSS and such). I don't live in California, although I would consider moving there, and I don't know any of these people (although they are both from NY).

If you are at all involved with Web 2.0 or the Silicon Valley gossip you have undoubtedly heard of this little tiff.

Here is Dave's attempt to put words in Calacanis's mouth.

It's all great - I just have one problem: Google is filled with Spam. I don't know enough about the other details he describes here to comment on them - I didn't hear Calacanis's speech nor was I at the conference - but I do know that Google is filled with spam. When I started using Google you typed something in and the relevant results came up quickly. Now you have to wade through 10 pages of spam results in order to find maybe 5 relevant results.

Google's PageRank algorithm was a great idea at the time - but now that it is common knowledge it is just too easy to spam it. I could get this little blog to the top of results for whatever word I wanted if I have enough domains available. Which I do.

I think we need a new search paradigm - one that will either work for a short-time of work indefinitely. PageRank is no longer effective now that all of the spammers are aware of it and know how to manipulate it. I think that Google and the other search engines are likely more interested in trying to remove the spam from their results than in coming up with entirely new algorithms. Maybe that will be the idea that makes me rich. If I can think of it.


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