Friday, August 03, 2007

Recipes from Playgirl

So that editor of Playgirl that I read the article about yesterday actually turns out to be pretty cool. She gave me a recipe for pesto mac and cheese that sounds really good. Thanks Colleen!

Throw the following in the food processor: half bag of frozen spinach, a few handfuls of fresh basil (if from your NY fire escape like ours, wash it very well!), one clove of garlic, about a cup of pine nuts, a big nard of fresh parmesan, and numerous glugs of olive oil. Process until pesto-y.

Meanwhile boil a box o' mac. Drain the mac, stir in the pesto (it was about 2 cups, I'd say?) then top with thin slices of fresh mozzarella and grated parmesan. Bake at 400 'til golden on top.

And there you have it, your 8000 calorie, 50 grams of fat dinner! Yummo

Check out her blog about moving to Baton Rouge. I wish I actually knew you, Colleen. Here is the link to the actual post about the recipe.

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