Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday Random Crap

Gays in the military:

'Gays Too Precious To Risk In Combat,' Says General

My wife saw this on TV and wants it now. Along with the other $60,000 worth of plastic surgery she thinks she needs, but really doesn't.

Chelsea Handler - I saw her old show once and it was just mind-numbingly terrible. I wondered why she keeps getting shows when she is so clearly not at all remotely funny. Then I read about how her boyfriend is the president of the E network.

I might need to get this book when it's available at the library. Parenting the Defiant Child

If anyone out there wants to help me, please! If you click on this link and signup for a $1 three-day trial I get paid $35. You can cancel anytime within the 3 days. I would really appreciate it.

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