Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stephanie Naumoska

A Miss Universe contestant in Australia has been criticized by the media and everyone else as being "too thin."

Australia's Miss Universe contest was thrown into controversy yesterday when doctors and dieticians complained a losing finalist was "skin and bones" and dangerously malnourished.

This site asks:

We’re just wondering why Megan gets praised for her size zero figure but other models (like Miss Australia Stephanie Naumoska) who appear to be the same size as Ms. Fox are criticized and scrutinized for their pin-thin form. Doesn’t really seem fair if you ask us!

And this paper comments:

So how do we (that's all of us in a very wide sense) provide the correct role models for people to aspire to? Where does "healthy" lie, mentally as well as physically? And where do newspapers come in? Can we only use pictures of "Goldilocks" women? (not too fat, not too thin). Do we simply aim to use a range of body shapes, excluding the extremes at both ends? Or does using the extremes a) reflect the truth out there (and that is what newspapers are supposed to do) and b) perhaps by their shocking nature act as a deterrent?

And then goes on to say that as a society we are too obsessed with food.

The offending pictures:

As a man who is 5' 11" and about 135 lbs I have some thoughts on this matter. Everyone tells me I am too thin. I eat very healthy, I avoid processed food and eat mostly fruits, vegetables and other whole foods. I wish I could gain some weight but I have to put energy into maintaining my current weight. If I didn't do that I would just lose more weight. People tell me I need to gain weight and I probably could if I wanted to eat all sorts of nasty junk food. However I feel good, I feel healthy and I would rather stay thin and feel good than eat junk food, feel crappy and gain some weight to make other people happy.

I go to the gym a couple times a week and do weight training to try to build some muscle, if I stopped doing that I would probably lose even more weight. I don't do cardio because I don't want to burn any of my barely existent fat. I don't know why I am so thin - part of it is likely due to my metabolism which has kept me thin for most of my life. The rest is likely due to my healthy and natural diet. I must admit that when I was eating a lot of junk and processed food I did weigh more, but I refuse to put that chemical garbage in my body for the sake of putting on weight.

I understand what it is to have everyone telling you that you need to gain weight, that you are too thin. Most people struggle to keep their weight down and don't understand that I have to struggle to keep my weight up. I don't know anything about this Stephanie, I don't know how she eats, how much she exercises, whether she gets proper nutrition. But I am always bothered by people making assumptions about other people and then criticizing them and getting all worked up about it. Honestly I do not find her attractive, she does look emaciated. Most likely she has come to accept herself as she is, just like I have, and not worry about what other people think. I can't imagine she wouldn't want to gain some weight, maybe she has the same difficulty doing that as I do.

People please... Unless you have the knowledge necessary to make decisions and pass judgements don't do it! Unless you know her, know what she's like, know what she eats you have no business condemning her for her appearance.

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