Friday, November 02, 2007

Social networks and such

Dave Winer on the MySpace / Facebook / Google brawl. I believe my opinions of Facebook have been made abundantly clear. Also - Facebook apparently has not been briefed on OpenSocial.

A chart of how to tell how much your web site sucks. Pretty accurate in my opinion.

Valleywag does a Web 2.0 for idiots primer.

And an update on the breaking Jakob Lodwick story... He responded to my response to his post with a "LOL." I'm not sure exactly what he was laughing at but... um... OK. Thank you, come again.

And Valleywag posts their opinion of the same interview I posted this morning. Shall we take bets on how long it takes him to reply to that? I have seen him leave comments on Valleywag before...

However I posted my name, which I have a Google ego alert set up for, in one of my other random blogs and I have not received notification yet. Interesting...

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