Thursday, March 26, 2009

Star Wars

The plot of Star Wars as told by someone who hasn't seen it.

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Underground Resistance

Taxing AIG Bonuses

I am all for the outrage on AIG paying out millions of dollars in bonuses. I will even suspend my usual arguments about free market economies because this is a special case where if the government hadn't stepped in the company would have gone bankrupt and I would be slightly poorer than I am now as I would lose the $500 or so my AIG shares are worth.

If we don't want AIG to spend our money on bonuses that is fine, as shareholders we have a say as to how the company is run. The government could even just mandate that firms that get bailout dollars not pay exorbitant bonuses - I actually thought that had already been done, I guess it was not done retroactively.

Trying to recoup that money via taxes is a terrible idea. Absolutely terrible and stupid. In my opinion this is one of the biggest misuses of legislative power I have ever seen. The tax code is a tax code, not a method for implementing policy, and especially not a method for addressing people being pissed off.

By modifying the tax code Congress is able to implement a retroactive law, which is usually specifically prohibited by the Constitution. I am way more pissed off at Congressional Democrats for pandering to the pissed off people by using a completely ridiculous, unethical and illogical method to get back money than I am at AIG for paying that money in the first place.

For once in my life I hope the Republicans who are opposing this law succeed. This is a gross violating of the Constitution, and I am appalled that people actually support this subversion of the intent of the law.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Will Google's Purity Pay Off?

Article on how Google is going to make money from Dec. 2007. This was back when Google was a young upstart company, before "Google" was a verb, and when geeks used to tell others about this great new search engine they had found.

How times have changed...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Anyone who has dealt with Verizon might share this guy's frustration. Despite all of that I do think it's the best wireless service I have ever dealt with:

Flames on the side of my face

A funny line from a great movie I loved as a kid.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


This is a guy mixing various YouTube music clips together to create new tracks, along with videos. A simple concept, with great results.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Mahna Mahna

The original 1969 Sesame Street version:

The classic 1977 version from the first episode of the Muppet Show:

And the original version from some Swedish film, possibly adult related: